Episode 5: Keep It Simple, Stupid W/ Jay Ferruggia

Jay and I share a powerful conversation going into his background, the power of simplicity, his podcast, and some amazing fitness and mindset tips that will propel your life.

We talk about his background, finding inspiration for training others, getting strong and looking good in just a half-hour a day, how 95% of fitness advice is BS and the 5% worth knowing, supplementation, the importance of simplicity and the 80/20 rule, building meaningful relationships, giving to charity, training pro athletes, starting the renegade radio podcast, small tribal gatherings of men missing in our society, and more.

For more information on Jay, visit his website at http://jasonferruggia.com/ or follow him on social media at @Jayferruggia

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Listen To Episode 5

About Jay

Jay Ferruggia, host of the renegade radio podcast has been helping guys become the strongest version of themselves since 1994.

He is one of the pioneers for that warehouse gym style of training starting to do things such as flipping tires, dragging sleds, kettlebells, pressing logs, using rings, and more in the mid nineties.

Jay is a highly sought after, world renowned strength & conditioning specialist and muscle building expert.

Over the last 17 years he has personally trained more than 700 athletes from over 90 different NCAA, NFL, NHL, and MLB organizations.

He has also worked extensively with firefighters, police officers, military personnel, Hollywood stars and entertainers.

Jay has been featured in Men’s Health, Muscle & Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Fast Company, Huffington Post, LiveStrong, Muscle & Fitness Hers, Shape, Entrepreneur, Details, Onnit, ESPN, or CBS.

Most importantly, Jason has helped over 53,000 skinny guys and hard gainers in 126 different countries build muscle and gain weight faster than they every thought possible.

Over the course of his life he has faced many challenges such as being physically and mentally weak, skinny, fat, sad, depressed, insecure, painfully shy, socially awkward, crippled with anxiety and indecision, addiction, and went broke on more than one occasion.

Where To Find Jay

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About Riley

Riley Moore, the 25-year old CEO of RM4Tech, the one and only completely family-owned family-run software company, has used his mix of technical and business influences to bring his creative vision to life. With the development of RM4Tech’s first solution, DirectSuggest the Suggestion Box Reimagined, he has become a fresh face in the world of engagement and innovation. Their second solution CrowdQuestion was released in early 2019. CrowdQuestion is focused on connecting crowds through Q&A The Right Way to bring everyone closer to their community. His passion to empower individuals to use their creativity and voice to make a difference in the world is what drives him.

Riley was born in Fremont where both of his parents worked in management roles at a Silicon Valley start-up for more than a decade and a half. In 2000, at age six, his family moved to El Dorado Hills, CA to be near his grandparents. His father became the Director of Information Systems at a non-profit organization and his mother choosing to be a stay-at home mom. Riley, and his brother Reid’s, upbringing became their main focus.

While growing up, Riley showed little motivation or interest in anything but playing sports, video games, and partying. His family and educators were concerned he would amount to nothing and he finished with a 2.3 GPA and few prospects. During his senior year of high school, he was drawn to the idea of entrepreneurship from his high-school sweetheart’s brother in-law. That, combined with his parents encouraging him to go into software, he decided one day he would develop ideas that bring value to the world through software entrepreneurship.

Since 2015, podcasts have been an integral part of Riley’s life providing him with knowledge and perspective, as well as sparks of humor and happiness. Discovering podcasts in his college apartment in Ventura CA, they began shaping and solidifying needed lessons to start his entrepreneurial journey. Podcasting became a regular education and entertainment outlet during hour-long commutes to classes, and later during the semi-monthly six-hour business commutes.

His love for podcasting, mixed with his unrelenting drive to inspire individuals to change the world through passion and hard-work, encouraged the creation of The Moore You Know Podcast. Along with his podcast, Riley is releasing a book at the end of 2019 entitled The Moore You Know: A Young Man’s Guide Towards Developing A Life Of Significance And Fulfillment. He hopes to impact the world through entrepreneurship, podcasting, and writing like those who inspired him.


Where To Find Riley