David Meltzer | Top Entrepreneur Podcaster & Compassionate Capitalist
Today’s episode of The Moore You Know Podcast
features David Meltzer.
David is the CEO of Sports 1 Marketing, a three-time international best-selling author, Top 100 Business
Coach, and host of the top entrepreneur podcast, The Playbook.
David Shares Wisdom On:
- The seven interconnected principles that are applicable to our lives
- Building a positive mindset
- The basis of compassionate capitalism
- Why he has a requirement that any business project you work on must have a charitable aspect or partner
- How to build offensive and defensive strategies for branding and marketing
- What it exactly feels like losing $100 million dollars
- If there is a certain level of disconnect that comes with losing this amount of money where it does not feel real
- Why he once believed family should always come first, and why he changed his view
- Creating a solid foundational base for success in other aspects of life by focusing on yourself first
Riley hopes you found value in this episode that will propel some aspect of your life. If you enjoyed
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