Advice For Young Adults Feeling Stuck From Brandon T. Adams, David Burkus, & Aaron Platt
Today’s episode of The Moore You Know Podcast features Brandon T. Adams, David Burkus, and Aaron Platt. Riley asks each of them what a young adult can do who is feeling stuck.
Brandon T. Adams is an Emmy® Award Winning Producer, serial entrepreneur, Podcaster, Speaker, and known as the “King of Crowdfunding” helping clients including Kevin Harrington and John Lee Dumas.
David Burkus is a best-selling author, sought after keynote speaker, and Associate Professor of Leadership and Innovation. His TED talk has been viewed over 2 million times and he is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review.
Aaron Platt is the Co-Founder and President of Social X, the #1 business education and networking mastermind for young entrepreneurs, as well as the founder of VA Connections and Social Summit Inc.
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