Get To Personally Know Grant Napear Through His CrowdUltra Profile

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Grant Napear has been using CrowdUltra’s award-winning podcast app since starting his If You Don’t Like That Podcast two years ago. CrowdUltra has been used to enhance various aspects of his podcast and most importantly better connect him to his audience. Grant utilizes CrowdUltra’s podcast Q&A functionality on every episode of his podcast and has answered hundreds of audience questions so far. Aside from this, there is an outcome from Grant Napear using CrowdUltra we find most special. Grant Napear has created an in depth profile that allows you to know and connect with him on a personal level. Grant’s profile on CrowdUltra offers the most in depth look into who he is, allowing you to see what’s important to Grant and getting to know him.

CrowdUltra allows all users to create a profile to showcase who they are with the most customizable profile experience any social platform has ever offered. CrowdUltra profiles are like up-to-date MySpace profiles on steroids. Profiles can be created with endless possibilities using our Rich-Text/HTML Editor or by embedding a webpage. Grant’s profile can be seen embedded below and features his personal website.

Profiles can also include highlighted event engagement including questions that have been answered. Grant Napear’s profile is an example of how special and personal a CrowdUltra profile can be. Over the almost 200 released episodes of If You Don’t Like That with Grant Napear, Grant has been highlighting his favorite answered questions that personally touch on his life on his profile. This allows those viewing Grant’s profile to not only see anything of importance or interest on his website, but also learn about him in detail. This is something that highly increases connection between Grant and his crowd, along with increasing his following.

Grant’s profile features almost eighty highlighted questions that were answered on episodes of his podcast. These include fascinating and personal questions, that allowed Grant to open up about himself and in turn allow the audience to better understand who he is. Without Grant using CrowdUltra to field Q&A and also highlight these answered questions on his profile, most people would not know these things about him.

Some of our favorite questions he has answered that are highlighted on his profile include:
  • • How did your phrase, "if you don't like that, you don't like NBA basketball" originate?
  • • What was the first pro sports game you went to?
  • • What athletes have personally inspired you most?
  • • What are some of your favorite sports memories with your sons?
  • • Dead or alive who would you want to interview most?
  • • How old were you when you knew you were going to be a great pro broadcaster?
  • • What's your favorite and least favorite country you've been to outside of the United States?
  • • Is your broadcasting style inspired by anyone?
  • • What decade you lived through was your favorite?
  • • Have you ever had a near death experience?
  • • Who are some of your favorite pitchers of all time?
  • • How did you get the job with the Kings?
  • • What decade was your favorite era of sports?
  • • Who's on your sports broadcasting Mt. Rushmore?
  • • What type of music do you like to listen to?
  • • How did your broadcasting style change over time?
  • • What sports topics do you get tired of discussing the most?
  • • What innovations/advancements could be made in sports broadcasting?
  • • Who would be your starting five if you could choose any NBA player throughout history and who would be your coach?
Those interested can view the answers to the questions along with the rest of Grant’s profile below. We also encourage all sports fans to subscribe to Grant’s podcast on your favorite podcasting platform and his YouTube Channel here.

Any podcaster or host of any occasion can do the same and more with their own free CrowdUltra profile. It’s simple and one of the best outlets for connecting with your crowd of fans/followers. Those interested in CrowdUltra can learn more here and sign up free here while connecting everyone closer together.